5, 5, 50 Rule...

Lettering and Illustration Lauren Crosby Utah Designer

My professional background is in graphic design. While I was in school I had a professor who would always remind us of the 5, 5, 50 rule. Which is this, can your artwork communicate effectively when viewed from 5 inches away, 5 feet and 50 feet away? Why is this important you ask, well in the world of design, artwork would be viewed on screen or in print at 5 inches, on TV or a Poster at 5 feet and once you are to 50 feet you would be viewing the art while shopping, on the side of a bus or even a billboard. The point of this test is you have to be able to communicate clearly and concisely. I was thinking about this rule and parallels you could pull from it to prioritize your goals.

In the last post we talked about goal setting. In step 3 we talked about breaking it down into realistic step. I wanted to share with you my simple formula for doing this:

STEP 1: Think about what you need to do in the next 5 days. List 3-5 items. Note: Do you need to buy supplies or tools? Do you feel inspired to look for a mentor, coach or lessons? Don’t forget to make a list and ask for help along the way.

STEP 2: What do you (realistically) want to accomplish by day 10? (write it down) Note:

STEP 3: 1 year from now (or about 50 weeks) what progress will you see yourself making on your goal? It is important to look back at where you have come from and recognize the dedication it has taken. To applaud the failures, for those are the moments where you didn’t give up. And give gratitude for the triumphs–because you did something really amazing.

Remember, new things can cause growing pains, but it is in the struggle through it, where the beauty lies. Keep going, keep trying. You’ve got this!