A Guide to Progress Over Perfection...

Progress Over Perfection - Lauren Crosby -  Lettering Art  - Utah Graphic Design

There is nothing like a 10 minute warning to a spontaneous visitor. If you are anything like me, you scramble around grabbing the misplaced jacket and shoes. Clear counters into the sink or stuff as many dirty dishes into the dishwasher as possible before spritzing the air lightly with lemon (or some other fresh fragrance). Only to answer the door out of breath and a bit frazzled while trying to pull of an air of cool and calm.

Raise your hand if this is you?

Chances are this scrabble for perceived perfection isn’t just in times of an impromptu visit from a friend. It probably leaks into many aspects of our lives.

Let’s explore 5 ideas to help get us on our journey to Progress Over Perfection
and relearn ways to help feel more comfortable in our own skin. You’ve got this!

1. I hear it take 20 times doing something to make a habit. Start today and set a goal for something you have been wanting to try. Write it down.

Example: If your goal is to learn how to draw beautiful letters, you might start by jotting down that you want to draw each letter of the alphabet but practicing 1 letter each day for 26 days.

2. Accountability. Choose whether you are going to color in a chart or text a friend, but make sure you record your progress.

Coaching: I am available for coaching and would love to be your point of contact to check in with on your visual ideas and progress reports.

3. Break it down into bite sized pieces. Once you have your goal and the way you are going to account for your progress, it’s time to break it down. Where do you see yourself today, tomorrow, a week from now? What specific things are you going to need to accomplish to get there?

There may be impulse to compare your progress to someone else. Try not to, your timeline needs to work for you.

4. Do you need any tools or resources to help facilitate your progress? Perhaps a coach, a predesigned program, or to purchase equipment.

Lettering Tools. If you goal is to draw those beautiful letters, you are in the right place. Check out the Lettering Collection in the Shop for tools to help you get started.

5. Get Started. Taking the first step to change is not always easy, but you’ve got this. You’ve made a plan and have what you need to succeed.