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Have you heard about my Lettered.Verse Collection? It is faith-based artwork, created to help share the light of Christ. The artwork here is one I created recently at the request of my husband, to hang on this office wall.

Like many others this year, he has been working from home ( I LOVE this). But also, working from home comes with a stack of additional challenges and has given me added insight into the daily ups and downs of his work. (However, we don’t get into the details a lot because of the nature of his work.)

On a particularly stressful day a bit ago, I could tell there was an added weight, so of course, I went out of my way to make “home life” a little more cheerful (because I know that’s what he would do for me). While thinking about how to lift my husband’s spirits—it occurred to me that God waits on us every. day. to help lift our spirits!

Especially on our particularly stressful days...adding a bit of sunshine through kind acts of others, placing people in our circles who can lend a hand or give a shoulder to cry on. And giving us family to help lift or carry the load when we don’t feel strong enough. I am grateful for the knowledge and belief I have that there is a God is heaven available, whenever or wherever we are, who listens and sends answer to prayer. His love for me, for you, for all human kind is great! I hope this holiday season, and always, you find hope and courage in the face of fear and peace in your hearts.

Please enjoy this artwork as a small Happy Holiday’s and Merry Christmas gift to you, friend!
