Ever Learning


I’m not much of a sports fan, but I whole heartedly embrace the words of the baseball catcher, Yogi Berra “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” 

You may have noticed a slowed pace to my posts over the last several months. Just after the beginning of the year I started working at my kid’s school. I know! I fully acknowledge how crazy it was to take a job mid-pandemic in an elementary school. BUT, it was just what needed to happen in my life for so many little reasons.

This fall I am returning to the same school to teach a new class, it is called a “Technology Discovery Class”. It is a prep-time elective class so I will get to interact with kids Kindergarten to grade 6. I am so excited to reach back to my days as a product designer and integrate a whole lot of innovative thinking as I develop lesson plans that focus on helping students experience wonder, sense making and problem solving across several content areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics). I am over here starry-eyed with the endless possibilities of creativity at its finest!