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Feeling Overwhelmed? Try these 3 Self-Care Tips (Part 3)

They say you can’t pour from an empty cup, and that was definitely true. So, what are you going to do when you are absolutely depleted?

Part 3 of 3: Stake Your Claim on Today

Have you been following along with the last two posts? Today, I pick back up talking about thoughts on Staking Your Claim on today. I don’t know about you, but I really love the idea of experiencing it all–everything good, bad or ugly this life has to offer.

I left my story just having boarded a plan headed for the USA. I remember a fitful sleep as we flew from Turkey to Germany. Each time I woke a wave of sadness and confusion would wash over me. The whole experience was surreal, it was as if we were floating through a dream. Then as we passed through customs and arrived in Baltimore, Red Cross volunteers greeted us. I will never forget the personal care the volunteers showed as they met us with hot food, smiles and a kind “welcome home”. As you can imaging for two weeks after getting to the states, the combination of jet lag and uncertainty about future plans set me reeling. I was emotionally drained. They say you can’t pour from an empty cup, and that was definitely true. So, what are you going to do when you are absolutely depleted?

Grace, my friend. It is so important to give yourself grace when feeling a little overwhelmed by life!

That’s why today, I’m sharing 3 Self-Care Tips that really helped me gain some ground. Ready?

  1. Regular exercise can help clear the mind and resets the body.
    I signed up for a Gym with childcare. I tried to go at least 3 times a week for about 45 minutes each time. This gave me a minute for myself and to just feel my heart beat in my chest and know that I was getting stronger each day that passed.

2. Set a daily schedule.
I was sure to include moments of rest as well as social activities and kept a pretty firm (early) bedtime.

3. Get Outside.
No matter what the weather, I tried to get outside daily and just breath fresh air.

Practice these simple self-care tips and you’ll be on your way to filling your cup  in no time.  Which one will you try first?

Be sure to check back later for part 4 of my Stake Your Claim on Today Series….