Happy Things Design

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Despite 2020's Best Efforts, Let's Keep Christmas Magical...

In a year like this one has been, it makes sense to take a minute to pause to reflect on what is most important in your life. Of course, people are probably going to be high on the list and so it makes it hard that perhaps, the big family and friend gatherings won’t be happening like in past years.

Take courage in the fact that this will not last forever. In the meantime, I thought I would share a few ways to keep the connection and magic of Christmas alive, despite 2020’s best efforts.

  1. Send a hand-written note to someone who has made a positive impact in your life.

  2. If you can spare a few dollars, pay for the meal or drink of the person behind you in line at checkout.

  3. Share an inspiring story or piece of art on social media.

  4. Schedule a time with those you love to get on a call.

  5. Write down a handful of things you are grateful for. A grateful heart can heal.

Last thought to leave with you, friends, keep hope burning inside–what are you most looking forward to?

Sending you and your’s warm wishes for a magical, albeit different Holiday Season.
