Happy Things Design

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Creating a Life You Love. 

The desire to create comes hard-wired in our nature as human beings. From quilting to cooking, gardening, engineering and construction–creativity comes in many forms. As a child we dream of what we want to be when we grow up. But, what does it really mean to live the dream?  

Will life be perfect? No, probably not. Of course, problems will come your way and it won’t always be easy.

My husband and I love to travel (although, we have not been doing much these Covid-19 days). But, each time we go to a new place my introvert husband teases me about the ease to which I fall into conversation with strangers along the way. Yes, I am that person who talks to my seat-mates on the plane. Ok, before you turn and run, let me share a bit of my background. 

Before I was 18, I moved over a dozen times, for a variety of reasons. Each move brought anxiety about making new friends, heartache from leaving ones I loved and uncertainty about how long I would stay. I credit my gift of gab today to those many moves. I also have shared many moments where I know my path has crossed others for a reason. It is these moments of meaningful connection where I find courage, peace and beauty in my life. This world is full of Amazing people! And in order to become the amazing person you are meant to be, you get to enjoy the ups and downs this beautiful, messy, wonderful life has to offer. I hope you have the courage to live the dream you are meant to achieve.

Here at Happy Things Design, I hope to share creativity and conversation in all its color and richness, as well as, art for your home and heart.

Here’s to creating a Life YOU love!